Nutella Tarts

Hello Friends!
The kitchen is not a place where I would spend hours and hours (I know admirable friends who spend whole days!), But sometimes one of my favorite activities is culinary experiments, reproduce recipes tasted during my travels, I make a mess, (sometimes some success) and I serve my new recipe saying: "Menù à la Julienne" at least the guests are warned! :D
A few months ago we were invited by the mother of my sister in law, a great baker​​. After the meal she has served a fantastic desserts: a cake with Nutella and toasted hazelnuts.
A few weeks later we were at the farm of our friends, between Trentino's forests and goats, with a postcard view...
Eveyone brought something.
There are those who brought their own salami and cheese, someone brought homemade polenta from Storo (polenta is a dish made from boiled cornmeal. The polenta is obtained by grinding a particular type of Italian yellow corn), handsmocked speck (speck is a flavored ham originally from my region) smoked with juniper wood harvesting in private wood ... what bringing?? Maybe some bottles of Barolo (a wine produced in the North of Italy, Piedmont) it is always a product made in the region where I was born and I think it might well be accompanied with cheese ... the limit we use it as a sipping wine (do not know what it means, but in a cool evening, under the starry sky and a glass of wine you meditate better!). Yes! No one bring the dessert, and so... why not for some simple Nutella tarts?
Sweet success! A simple dessert that everyone loved. Great recipe and very easy to follow with yummy results: you can guess the ingredients by looking the photo above (pastry cutters, tart dough, roasted hazelnuts and Nutella. Warm the jar of Nutella for a few seconds in the microwave to make it easier to spread on the tarts).
Bon appetit!

4 commenti

  1. Ossignuuur!!! Giuli!!! Ora mi hai messo voglia di Nutella!!!
    Guarda che la prossima volta che ci vediamo.. non hai scuse.. me li devi far assaggiare!!! =^__^=
    .. lo sai che AMO i dolci.. e la Nutella.. è in cima alla lista!!!

  2. mmmmmh mi hai fatto venire l'acquolina con queste splendide tortine :)

  3. Nutella Party? Thanks Giuli, unfortunately I can't find the Nutella jar!!
    Could you write the receipt for tart dought?
    XOX Wendy

  4. Bravissima crafter e niente male anche come cuoca!
    Ma che cosa non sai fare? =)
    Ricetta davvero golosa, appena fa fresco anche dalle mie parti, accendo il forno!


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