Change is good.

Change is good.
During the baking under the sun for weeks, I've been trying to do a lot of thinking.
September is like a new year, where we start a new season with an optimistic approach and a fresh set of resolutions.
So I wrote down a list of all the things I'd like to do or change, even if some are impossible.
I have small ideas and large ideas how I want the next months to play out and one thing I want to work on, is this blog.
As you may have noticed I’m not a natural blogger.
Really I would like to be but it doesn't come easy to me.
I’d like blogging five days a week but I write on my blog for a couple of days and then… a long silence.
Lately, my blog has become a big container of things and it has a bit of an identity crisis.
I dump everything here and it doesn't always all go together: food, scrapbooking, handmade, book, travels.
I'd like to take my blog in a different direction.
I’d like to transform my blog as a place for me to share more travel themed posts, creative ideas and more focus on few topics only.
In the past, I took a lot of pictures, visited many places and kept a lot of useful addresses. I've been saving a lot of things to post and now I'm itching to share.
I'll still be scrapbooking and sharing projects that I create but it won't be as prevalent as it has been in the past over nine (yes, 9!) years that I've had this blog. If you follow the blog of my shop Think Spring, I promise you'll see more scrapbook updates! I started scrapbooking in 1997, when there were no scrapbook stores in Italy and to economize I used colored paper for gift wrapping and embellishments totally handmade using recycled material. So leave scrapbooking is the last thing I suppose to do.
It’ll be a bit of a change.
In the meantime, if you have questions or if you want suggest me what you would like to see in this space, leave’em in the comments.
I hope you’ll still enjoy reading and coming along on the adventures.
See you sooner.

3 commenti

  1. si dice che dai momenti di confusione vengano fuori le cose migliori.. io sono qui e aspetto di seguirti nei tuoi cambiamenti! ;)

    (ps ma tra tanti cambiamenti, non è che toglieresti i captcha??)

    1. Spero che sia così Iole.
      Intanto grazie per il consiglio.
      In effetti odio anch'io il captcha!
      Ora che me lo hai fatto notare, ho modificato l'impostazione.
      Dovrebbe essere più semplice!
      Grazie ancora!

  2. Il PACS.
    Che bei ricordi!!
    Mi lusinga quello che hai scritto!


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