Just a minute in... June 2014

It has been quiet on the blog last month. 
We are in the lazy days of summer, the schools are closed and days are a little bit more relaxed.
I basically spent some weeks making different activities. All useful activities but nothing concrete to show and generally I slept a little bit more.
Can you believe it is already July, where did June go? Honestly I have no idea. 
Here my "Just a minute in June".

Organizing organizing my teenage girl's closet.
Put in boxes old toys, sweet stuffed animals, childhood memories and organizing more space for shoes, bracelets (a tons of arm candy & lots of rings), make up and lace sweaters (lace, lace and more lace)... it's always a moment of deep sadness.
Finding time for some books: William Poundstone "Are you smart enough to work at Google?" and
David Bainbridge " Middle Age. A Natural History" Did you know life begins at 40? ;)  I'm into 40 for a couple of years and, who guess? I should be so lucky to work at Google. What are you reading?
Eating too much cakes! Lots of celebrating lately!
Countdowning to our holidays is on. I know lately I've seen more around here, but I really really really need a break.
Watching Zohan over four times! Wait, I know this is a crazy movie but I love the Fizzy Bubblech and the creative uses of hummus and this movie makes me laugh a lot  and it is a fantastic distraction from everything else.
Writing on my travel journal. Finally I found the time to do it! Added more pics, more memorabilia of my latest travel. Almost completed!
Practicing my only rule of the moment: less is more. It works!

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4 commenti

  1. anche a me piacerebbe dedicarmi al fancazzismo o comunque avvicinarmi un pochino ad esso...ma per ora non si può... e soprattutto mi piacerebbe dormire un pochetto di più, ma da quando ho la mia nanetta di circa 2 anni e mezzo per casa...sono circa mmmhh 2 annetti e mezzo, che si dorme poco e niente! :-( bel blog! buona serata


    1. Ciao Sabrina!
      Dai che la tua nanetta presto assesta le sue ore di nanna. Dicono intorno ai tre anni. I miei ora sono grandicelli e con la più piccola effettivamente ho iniziato a recuperare ore di riposo intorno ai tre anni. Forza ci sei quasi! ;)

  2. me l'hanno detto! spero sia vero ne ho proprio bisogno!!!! ^_*

  3. Prendo al volo il tuo suggerimento e saluto anche io Giugno con just a minute... Baci


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