HOW TO: add WOW-Factor to your holiday gift wrapping

If you are like me, December is a period of continuous run from place to place, enjoying the Season but feeling just a little insane.
Love fairy lights and pretty decorations.
Love giving and sharing.
Love vacation time.
Love cinnamon and gingerbread.
Love remove the candied orange peel from the panettone.
(Panettone is a traditional Italian Christmas bread)
But one of the things I love most about this magical month is doing pretty gift wrap, I think a creative Christmas wrapped gifts is one of the most magical sights of the Season, a gift can produce a much greater joy if is packed super nice.
There are many way to wrap a very special gift. A few rules to impress those who receive it.
- Gift wrap is one of those places where the opportunities are endless; you can try color blocking, play with ribbons and accessories, add pieces from nature and scraps from your craft bin.
- Smaller box: stay simple! Try mixing a neutral paper with beautiful ribbon for a pop of color or metallic sparkle.
- Remember, practice makes perfect, take it slowly the first few times you try a new gift wrapping technique.
- Teamwork. Stamping with your kids using original stamps and if you are quick enough you can dust a little glitter on your fresh-pressed stamp before the ink dries.
- Love recycling? Using pages from magazines, paper bags and newspaper looked so sweet.
- Unless they are on women's lingerie, men do not pay attention to bows, laces and cristal beads. For him, you can choose a gift wrap very simple. Gold and silver are the quintessential holiday colors, so you've got to have some metallic in gift wrap for him. Try also with a totally black look with a silver ribbon.
- Finding ideas using readily available materials and creating unusual things that were super easy to do (so you may devote yourselves to other things) and give to your guest a stellar surprise with the WOW-factor!
That’s my idea. Enjoy!

- vellum paper
- mini star cookie cutters (or any simple shape)
- thin metal wire (silver or any color you prefer)
- scissor and scalpel
- super transparent glue

- Wrap the wire around the cookie cutter.
- Rest the star on vellum paper.
- Pour a few drops of clear glue and let dry thoroughly.
- Take a sharp scalpel and remove the excess paper.
The decorations are ready to be used on my Christmas wrapped gifts! 
Have you 5 more minutes at your disposal? Read this post about how to rock your Christmas presents. 

3 commenti

  1. Oh Giuli, che deliziose ispirazioni!
    Ne approfitto per augurarti un magnifico e colorato Natale!!!

  2. bellissima idea e realizzazione, complimenti molto elegante

  3. Bellissimo Giuli, semplice ma d'effetto :-)


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