Fabric, Paper & Nail Polish Remover!

You'll find this tutorial on at Hambly Screen Prints

Supply List (for 6 pages, for an album 5"x5")
6 heavy cardstock squares 5”
12 fabric squares 5” ¾
18 eyelets ¼ ”
your favorite Hambly Screen Prints papers or overlays
some trim or ribbon for binding the album
nail polish remover and some cotton balls
bone folder
sewing machine
Let’s start:
Iron all the fabric squares. Open the window and protect your work surface before you start to work with the nail polish remover. (you may also want to wear gloves and mask for this)
Place a piece of silk-screened Hambly paper on the fabric and, with a cotton ball soaked in nail polish remover, blot on the entire surface. For an better print, don’t move the pattern paper when doing this.
Carefully lift the pattern paper off the fabric and let it dry completely.
You can also transfer the design onto the fabric by an overlay.
Put some nail polish remover in a spray bottle.
Spray generously on the back of overlay.
Press on the fabric and with a bone folder, use your overlay like it is a rub-ons. Is that funny? =)
Lift the overlay and let dry.
Now you're ready to assemble pages.
Insert the cardstock between two squares of fabric and sew.
Prepare as many pages as you like.
Done! Your album is ready.
You can use this technique directly to the paper, for example inside a travel journal.

Come visit the gallery on Hambly Screen Prints and to see all the pages from this mini book "VENICE THROUGHT MY LENS" that I've created.

2 commenti

  1. ..Giulyyyy...io avevo provato con la trielina come faceva mio fratello a scuola vent'anni fa,ma non aveva funzionato...ora sì che riprovo grazie a te!!!!!spero che funzioni con tutte le carte anche se non ho esattamente quelle che usate voi....


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